
Corporate Lawyer Profession in the Practice of Law

Corporate Lawyer is

Corporate Lawyer is one of the many professions in the legal sector besides Litigator Advocate, Legal Counsel, Bank Legal Officer, Corporate Lawyer, Official Investigator, Lecturer, Diplomat, and many more. As the global market expands, it demands a large number of reliable lawyers with a comprehensive understanding of Corporate Law, which is very much needed by business actors especially if they have expanded their business to the global market and carry out many business deals or transactions with other parties. The growth of various complex business models makes the presence of a large number of reliable Corporate Lawyers increasingly needed. The transactions of business actors may not be successful and even run into legal problems without the expertise of lawyers since the legal services provided by lawyers range from conducting legal due diligence, advising structures, contract preparation and negotiations to ammunition preparation to win cases if a dispute is forced to occur. The following are the things to be considered by a Corporate Lawyer:

A. Role of Corporate Lawyer

The role of Corporate Lawyers is to inform clients of their rights, responsibilities and duties under applicable law. When Corporate Lawyers are employed by a company, Corporate Lawyers represent the corporate entity, not its shareholders or employees. A corporation is a legal entity created under applicable laws, usually for the purpose of conducting business. Corporations are treated as unique entities or “persons” under the law, separate from their owners or shareholders. Corporate law covers all legal issues surrounding the company where the role of Corporate Lawyers is to ensure the company complies with applicable laws.

Corporate Lawyer is

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B. Type of Job Corporate Lawyer

Corporate Lawyers may spend their time on:

  1. Contracts: Review, draft, and negotiate legally binding agreements on behalf of the company, which may involve everything from lease agreements to high-value acquisitions.
  2. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A): Conduct due diligence, negotiate, draft, and generally oversees “deals” involving companies, “mergers” with other companies or “takeovers” (purchases) of other companies.
  3. Corporate Governance: Help clients create a framework for how the company is directed and controlled, such as by drawing up articles of association, advising company directors and officers on their rights and responsibilities, and other policies used to manage the company.
  4. Venture capital: Help start-ups or existing companies find capital to build or expand a business, which can involve private or public financing.
  5. Capital Markets: Advise clients on compliance with capital market laws, which involve complex regulations aimed at preventing fraud, insider training, and market manipulation, as well as promoting transparency within publicly traded companies.

In most cases, corporate lawyers work in large or medium-sized law firms that specialize in corporate law. Many Corporate Lawyers have specializations or areas of corporate law that they focus on such as M&A, Venture Capital, or Capital Market.

C. What it takes to become a Corporate Lawyer

The path to become a Corporate Lawyer is not much different from the path of practice in other legal fields. To become a Corporate Lawyer, one needs to complete education at the Faculty of Law to obtain a Bachelor of Law degree (Sarjana Hukum, “S.H”) and to have a license to practice by taking the Special Advocate Professional Education (Pendidikan Khusus Profesi Advokat, “PKPA”), to have passed the Advocate Profession Examination (Ujian Profesi Advokat, “UPA”) and to have been sworn. In some circumstances, Corporate Lawyers often have experience in the company’s business field so that they have a mindset similar to that of the company’s business.

Corporate Lawyer is

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D. Skills required by a Corporate Lawyer

A Corporate Lawyer must have excellent writing, communication and negotiation skills as these skills are highly relied upon in day-to-day corporate legal work. Since corporate law is a diverse field of practice that touches on many different transnational, regulatory, and business-related issues, it is important for a Corporate Lawyer to be willing to learn about the many different areas of law. In addition, many corporate lawyers have multiple clients in different industries, which means they must be willing to learn the ins and outs of each industry. Finally, a Corporate Lawyer needs the skills and means to reach out to other Lawyers when they deal with specialized topics with which they have no experience, for instance taxes, employment, real estate and more.

E. When a Corporate Lawyer Is Needed

A Corporate Lawyer advises companies on how to comply with laws and regulations, but that’s just the beginning. In fact, any individual starting a business venture can benefit from a Corporate Lawyer because a Corporate Lawyer can help clients structure and plan their business for success, even if they end up using a business structure other than the previously set one. It is always a good idea to have a Corporate Lawyer draft the client’s business management documents, review contracts, and help clients make other strategic decisions. Of course, it is not always possible for a small or even a mid-sized business to have a permanent Corporate Lawyer. What is important is that any Individual or business entity should consult a Corporate Lawyer when forming a business, closing a business, or when problems arise.


ADCO Law earns the trust to represent clients from multinational companies to emerging entities across a wide range of industries to achieve their business objectives in Indonesia.


ADCO Law as a Law Firm in Jakarta assists the clients to structure, organize and implement their business ventures and investments, including structuring, financing, and securing investments as well as establishing new foreign companies in Indonesia. 


Should you have more queries regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us


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Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 62, Setiabudi Karet

Jakarta Selatan, 12920, Indonesia.

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