Nabila Aulia: A Journey of Confidence and Nurturing People

The Timid Child Who Found Courage

Nabila’s narrative is woven with threads of unwavering confidence and boundless courage. As a child, she once inhabited the shadows of shyness. Yet, high school ushered in a remarkable transformation when she found her voice and shed her shyness through the enchanting rhythms of the Saman dance—her extracurricular activity where she discovered a newfound courage.

The Saman dance is more than just graceful movements; for Nabila, learning this dance marked a significant chapter in her life when her once-shy demeanor receded. Amidst the lively interactions and snack-selling endeavors (danus) for Saman competitions, Nabila’s self-assurance flourished.

“This extracurricular activity required instrumentalists, and we had to pay for them ourselves. So, we sold snacks almost everyday to pay for them and to join the competition,” she laughed as she remembered those high school days. “It was tiring but pushed me to interact and talk to people. I think I’ve changed a lot since then,” she added.

After high school, Nabila ventured out of her comfort zone, leaving behind her childhood home in Depok to study at Brawijaya University in the distant city of Malang. Despite the daunting prospect of such a move, she embraced it wholeheartedly, enrolling to learn the Japanese language.

Her commitment extended beyond academics; she immersed herself in community service, dedicating her time to teaching children, reflecting her dedication to growth and community development.

A Year in Japan: Embracing New Horizons

After graduating, she attended a one-year short course in Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, which allowed her to live abroad for an extended period. She considers this period a significant chapter in her life as it allowed her to gain valuable lessons in cultural immersion and the art of forging meaningful connections.

While in Japan, she worked part-time at UNIQLO to gain more experience in interacting with the locals. “I was a bit surprised that I could get a job there because the town I lived in was small–most of the people there are senior citizens, and I wear the hijab.” She said, “Seeing someone in a hijab is, I guess, a little strange for them. I often get asked about my hijab. Like, one time, during winter, an elderly woman passed by the store and came up to me just to ask what I was wearing because it looked so comfortable and warm,” added Nabila, fondly recalling this story with a laugh.

Living as a hijabi in a new environment was challenging for Nabila. Nonetheless, she was captivated by the charm of the small town and the leisurely bike rides that reminded her of life’s unhurried and tranquil pace. Using her bicycle as her primary mode of transportation was something she thoroughly enjoyed.

In Japan, Nabila also joined a career class and discovered the country’s high demand for headhunters and recruitment consultants. Attending the career class brought Nabila into contact with many people from diverse backgrounds and professions who shared their experiences and job opportunities. “I earned valuable insights into the recruitment industry, and it provided a significant opportunity for me,” Nabila said. However, despite the tempting career prospects, she realized her heart was closer to home. She strongly believes in the saying “Home is where the heart is” and hence chose a career path that keeps her close to her roots.

From Recruit to HR Maven

Nabila began her career as a Recruitment Consultant at a boutique headhunting and recruitment consulting firm in Indonesia. She collaborated with various clients, including Japanese and Indian companies and local businesses, to source executive talents.

For Nabila, human resources (HR) is not just about finding the right person for a job; it’s about nurturing potential and maintaining a positive company culture. This realization fueled her passion for excelling as an HR professional.

Nabila’s adaptability and dedication to growth enabled her to succeed even in the unfamiliar legal industry, where she became a Talent Acquisition Specialist. She recruited top-tier executives, including Partners at ADCO Law.

In early 2023, Nabila’s career took another step forward when she was promoted to Human Resources. She is committed to creating a dynamic HR environment that fosters open communication and prioritizes work-life balance, seamlessly integrating with ADCO Law’s culture.

Nabila takes on additional responsibilities beyond recruitment, including employee development and HRIS implementation. Although Nabila constantly faces unique challenges due to her lack of experience in the legal industry, her determination to adapt swiftly propels her career.

Yoga and a Vision for the Future

Outside of work, Nabila finds balance and wellness through yoga. It becomes a sanctuary for her mind, body, and soul, offering valuable tools to boost productivity such as mindfulness, empathy, and focus.

She believes that a healthy mind, soul, and mentality are essential for HR professionals to radiate positivity within the workplace and elevate overall productivity. Nabila cherishes connections with friends as a vessel of positive energy, finding joy in the small moments. The words of her Yoga Guru, “Listen to your body. Let go of expectations,” transcend yoga and permeate every facet of her life.

As she continues to balance the demands of a thriving career, Nabila is committed to preserving this balance, and she envisions to hone her skills as a speaker in webinars and training sessions to impart wisdom to fresh graduates and aspiring professionals.

When asked about her goals, Nabila giggled and replied, “My goals might seem mundane, but they are important. Even the smallest change we want to make should be considered a goal, right? My goal is to become a vegan and live a minimalist life.” She further explained that she feels healthier when she eats clean food, and being a vegan aligns with her dietary preferences. However, she admitted that sometimes it’s hard to resist the temptation of delicious junk food like bakso (meatball soup). Despite this, she is determined to reduce her consumption of such foods.

At the end of the interview, Nabila stated that she firmly believes that our level of self-confidence is directly proportional to our ability to achieve our goals in life, and she is a living embodiment of this philosophy.

Nabila’s journey embodies the spirit of resilience, self-discovery, and the pursuit of excellence. As she continues to grow and inspire, her story is a testament to the unwavering truth that “As is our confidence, so is our capacity.”


About ADCO Law:

ADCO Law is a law firm that offers clients a wide range of integrated legal services, including in commercial transactions and corporate disputes in a variety of industry sectors. Over the course of more than a decade, we have grown to understand our client’s industry and business as well as the regulatory aspect. In dealing with business dynamics, we provide comprehensive solid legal advice and solutions to minimize legal and business risks.

From Upstream to Downstream, We Understand Your Industry. In complex transactions as well as in certain cases, we are actively engaged with financial, tax, and environmental specialists, accountants, and law firms from various jurisdictions to give added value to our clients. Having strong relationships with Government agencies, regulators, associations, and industry stakeholders ensures that our firm has a holistic view of legal matters.

ADCO Law is a Proud Member of the Alliott Global Alliance (AGA) in Indonesia. Founded in 1979, AGA is one of the largest and fastest-growing global multidisciplinary alliances, with 215 member firms in 95 countries.

As a law firm, we also believe in regeneration. To stay abreast of business changes and stay relevant, our formation of lawyers is comprised of the top graduates from Indonesian and international law schools.

For further details, please contact: 

Alvin Mediadi, Business Development Manager, Indonesia
[email protected]

Patricia Maya, Marketing Communication, Indonesia
[email protected]