Government Regulation No. 35 of 2021. What’s The Impact?
4 Government Regulations that have been enacted in the Manpower sector. One among the others is Government Regulation No. 35 of 2021
4 Government Regulations that have been enacted in the Manpower sector. One among the others is Government Regulation No. 35 of 2021
ADCO Law firm Jakarta in collaboration with Oon Bazul LLP successfully conducted a Regional Legal Webinar A Tool to Resolve Business Disputes
4 stages to carry out a land acquisition for public use. Planning, preparation, implementation, and result delivery. New Regulations Based on Omnibus Law
Dendi Adisuryo, and Praniti Putri Mirza talks about the 0% Royalty Incentive for Coal Commodities as set out under the newly issued Government Regulation
There are at least 16 points of improvement in the law which were formulated in the 2018 academic paper. Among these points, several points are related to the problem of the insolvency test in the bankruptcy procedure law.
The application of bankruptcy requirements as stipulated in Article 2 paragraph (1) of The Bankruptcy Law creates logical consequences and a domino effect
As the Minerba Law has been amended and the newest regulation has been passed, the Job Creation Law has changed, removed, or stipulated new regulations in several related articles in this regulation.
The M&A is linked to being both a growth strategy and part of the fund formation in a favorable economic environment because all M&A negotiations require a number of commitments. It is crucial to recognize and understand every critical legal point in conducting acquisition deals. Therefore, this Article is intended to provide consideration for bidding companies and target companies in M&A transactions.
Capital market as one of the financial services sectors plays an important role in the development of the national investment sector, where the supply of capital provided by investors meets the demand of the securities issuers e.g. corporations, investment trusts, or domestic or foreign governments, that is, to finance their operations.
Litigation or arbitration as a commercial litigation proceeding requires a massive amount of capital due to litigation costs. Such the facts prevent people who seek for justice from pursuing their claims. However, several countries have a mechanism for litigation financing or lawsuit lending, which is well-known as Litigation Funding.
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