What is Civil Law? Let’s Recognize and Understand!
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What is Civil Law? Let’s Recognize and Understand!

Civil Law are words that we may often hear mentioned by legal practitioners and academics both inside and outside the court. Almost every problem that exists in daily human activities, starting from our relationships with others such as colleagues, family and relationships that can be valued with assets such as business activities, cannot be separated…

Understanding Manpower Law in Indonesia
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Understanding Manpower Law in Indonesia

Manpower Law is one of the many regulations that apply in Indonesia to ensure social justice for all Indonesian people as stated in the 1945 Constitution. The 1945 Constitution guarantees that every citizen has the right to work and to live a decent life for humanity. That is the legal ideal of the Indonesian state…

Juridical, Sociological, and Philosophical Basis
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Juridical, Sociological, and Philosophical Basis

Juridical basis is a term often found in general when discussing laws and regulations, especially in terms of their formation. Laws and regulations or so-called legislation is the main instrument owned by a state of law (Rechtsstaat). Article 1 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, “CRI 1945”)…

Legality Documents in Business Activities
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Legality Documents in Business Activities

Legality documents are one of the important things needed by a company in carrying out its business activities in addition to business capital, especially when starting a startup business, for example. Legality documents are evidence that a company is registered as a legal business entity. Further, legality documents also serve as a tool to develop…

Acquisitions is a Company’s Strategies in Business Activities
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Acquisitions is a Company’s Strategies in Business Activities

Acquisition is a method that is currently popular and widely adopted by companies especially to maximize the prosperity of company stakeholders. Rapid business developments and changes require business actors to seek breakthroughs so that their business can continue to run and even continue to grow. With an acquisition, two or more business entities continue to…