
Regional Legal Webinar: “Mediation – A Tool to Resolve Business Disputes in A Win – Win Mode”

Poster Adco Law Firm Jakarta

Jakarta, March 26, 2021.

ADCO Law in collaboration with Oon Bazul LLP Singapore successfully conducted a Regional Legal Webinar Business Disputes entitled “Mediation – A Tool to Resolve Business Disputes in A Win-Win Mode” on March 25, 2021. The whole series of events, organized by ET-Asia, attracted not only public attention from Indonesia but also enthusiasm of the webinar participants from Singapore, Japan, South Korea, and India.

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The five speakers i.e., Mr. Dendi Adisuryo, Managing Partner at ADCO Law Indonesia; Mr. Bazul Ashhab, Managing Partner and Head of Dispute Resolution at Oon & Bazul LLP Singapore as well as Mediation Ambassador for Indonesia, SIMC; Madam Varuna Bhandari Gugnani, Senior Mediator at the Mediation Center of the Supreme Court of India; Mr. Tomoki Yanagisawa, Partner at TMI Associates Japan; and Mr. Scott Lee, a lawyer at Kim & Chang South Korea shared their views with all the participants.

The five speakers i.e., Mr. Dendi Adisuryo, Managing Partner at ADCO Law Indonesia; Mr. Bazul Ashhab, Managing Partner and Head of Dispute Resolution at Oon & Bazul LLP Singapore as well as Mediation Ambassador for Indonesia, SIMC; Madam Varuna Bhandari Gugnani, Senior Mediator at the Mediation Center of the Supreme Court of India; Mr. Tomoki Yanagisawa, Partner at TMI Associates Japan; and Mr. Scott Lee, lawyer at Kim & Chang South Korea shared their views with all the participants that the mediation process shall be the upcoming trend to settle disputes, either within one or across jurisdictions, rather than opting for arbitration or litigation through the courts.

Furthermore, through this webinar, the five speakers discussed that the areas of disputes to be resolved through the mediation process are very diverse, ranging from construction, work, to medical disputes. The five speakers who attended from these five jurisdictions agreed that it was necessary to encourage all Business Executives and Lawyers to resolve disputes amicably by carrying out a mediation process.

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ADCO Law earns the trust to represent clients from multinational companies to emerging entities across a wide range of industries to achieve their business objectives in Indonesia

By combining commercial sensibilities and legal expertise, ADCO as a Law Firm Jakarta assists the clients to structure, organize and implement their business ventures and investments, including structuring, financing, and securing investments as well as establishing new foreign companies in Indonesia. Should you have more queries regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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