New Provisions on the Management of State-Owned Enterprises
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New Provisions on the Management of State-Owned Enterprises

The Government of Indonesia has enacted Government Regulation Number 23 of 2022 on Amendments to Government Regulation Number 45 of 2005 on the Establishment, Management, Supervision, and Dissolution of State-Owned Enterprises (“GR 23/2022”), which regulates a number of points related to the management of State Ownership-Enterprises (“SOE”), and the responsibilities and prohibitions of the Board…

ADCOTalks: Sinergi Pemerintah dan Badan Usaha dalam Akselerasi Pembangunan Infrastruktur

ADCOTalks: Sinergi Pemerintah dan Badan Usaha dalam Akselerasi Pembangunan Infrastruktur

Bapak dan Ibu peserta ADCOTalks: Sinergi Pemerintah dan Badan Usaha dalam Akselerasi Pembangunan Infrastruktur, Infrastruktur yang memadai, merupakan sebuah katalis percepatan pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Konsistensi Pemerintah dalam pembangunan infrastruktur harus disertai dengan dukungan dari berbagai pihak, salah satunya sektor swasta. Pemerintah mendorong Kementerian/Lembaga untuk menggunakan skema pembiayaan inovatif seperti skema Kerjasama Pemerintah dengan Badan Usaha…

DiscoverADCO: Adimas Wicaksono: Defining The Right Balance
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DiscoverADCO: Adimas Wicaksono: Defining The Right Balance

Becoming a lawyer is often associated with unlimited working hours. Spending time late at night to work on various documents and cases seems to have become part of the lives of lawyers, especially lawyers in metropolitan cities like Jakarta. Not infrequently, weekends are also used to finish those pending works. However, this does not apply…

Development of Biomass Co-firing in Coal-Fired Power Plants in Indonesia
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Development of Biomass Co-firing in Coal-Fired Power Plants in Indonesia

Biomass co-firing is the process of burning biomass and fossil fuels in coal- and gas-fired power plants. Biomass can alternatively be gasified and burned in separate burners by gas or steam fuel then mixed with boiler streams from coal-fired power plants. Biomass co-firing in coal power plants typically involves the mixing of biomass with coal…

ADCO Law Youth Program (ALYP) Batch 1 is Over, The Beginning of Empowered Law Generation
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ADCO Law Youth Program (ALYP) Batch 1 is Over, The Beginning of Empowered Law Generation

(Jakarta, 30/6/2022) After three months participating in various activities in the ADCO Law Youth Program (ALYP), all ALYP members and ADstronauts, ADCO Law’s internal team, officially celebrated the farewell ceremony as a symbol of the end of the ALYP program batch 1. This event was held at the ADCO Law office, Setiabudi, South Jakarta. ALYP…

What is Rejoinder?
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What is Rejoinder?

Rejoinder is the defendant’s answer to the reply submitted by the plaintiff. The right of the defendant to answer the plaintiff’s reply is regulated in Article 142 of Reglement op de Rechtsvordering (“RV”). In Rejoinder, the defendant can refuse or justify the arguments in the plaintiff’s reply. However, if the defendant does not provide any…

How to Prevent Tender Conspiracy Especially in Government Procurement?
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How to Prevent Tender Conspiracy Especially in Government Procurement?

In order to ensure fair business competition, the implementation of Law Number 5 of 1999 on the Prohibition of Monopoly Practices and Unfair Business Competition (“Law 5/1999“) is expected to foster an honest and healthy business culture so that it can continue to encourage healthy and fair competition among business actors. One form of action…

Get to Know KITAS-KITAP and the Procedure
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Get to Know KITAS-KITAP and the Procedure

KITAP and KITAS are residence documents that are often required by certain administrative authorities/agencies to identify a citizen, especially a foreign citizen who chooses to reside in the jurisdiction of the Republic of Indonesia. These two licensing documents are mandatory prerequisites for foreigners working or living in Indonesia, or for companies planning to use professional…

The UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow Officially Digging Grave for Coal-Fired Power Plants (CFFPs)

The UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow Officially Digging Grave for Coal-Fired Power Plants (CFFPs)

The COP26 summit held in Glasgow, Scotland of the United Kingdom on 31 October – 13 November 2021 has brought the parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the United Nations (“UN”) Framework Convention on Climate Change. For nearly three decades, the UN has been bringing together almost every…

Commitment to Regeneration, ADCO Law Announces Partnership with ALSA Indonesia
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Commitment to Regeneration, ADCO Law Announces Partnership with ALSA Indonesia

Focusing on improving the quality of generations in the legal field, through the signing of the cooperation agreement on Wednesday (15/6/2022), ADCO Law has officially bocame a strategic partner of ALSA Indonesia. The signing of this cooperation agreement was represented by Dendi Adisuryo, Managing Partner of ADCO Law, and Tanisha Zharfa Maharani, President of ALSA…