Regulatory Update: BPOM’s Latest Rules on Cosmetics Labeling and Advertising
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Regulatory Update: BPOM’s Latest Rules on Cosmetics Labeling and Advertising

The Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan, “BPOM“) Regulation Number 18 of 2024 concerning the Labeling, Promotion, and Advertising of Cosmetics or Peraturan BPOM Nomor 18 Tahun 2024 tentang Penandaan, Promosi, dan Iklan Kosmetik (“PerBPOM 18/2024”) brings important updates to the cosmetics industry in Indonesia, including the introduction of mandatory halal…

New Obligations and Expanded Patent Rights: An In-Depth Look at the Third Amendment of the Patent Law
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New Obligations and Expanded Patent Rights: An In-Depth Look at the Third Amendment of the Patent Law

The enactment of Law Number 65 of 2024 on the Third Amendment to Law Number 13 of 2016 on Patents (“Law 65/2024“) introduces key amendments to strengthen Indonesia’s patent system. These updates aim to streamline administrative efficiency, align national regulations with international standards, and enhance the protection for genetic resources and traditional knowledge. The law…

Understanding Patent Protection in Indonesia: A Comprehensive Guide
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Understanding Patent Protection in Indonesia: A Comprehensive Guide

As part of our series of articles on Intellectual Property Rights in Indonesia, this time we will look at an equally important topic: patents. After discussing copyrights, it is time to gain a deeper understanding of what patents are, the legal basis for patents in Indonesia, the role of inventions in the patent system, and…

Franchise Regulation Update: What Business Owners Need to Know in the Era of GR 35/2024
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Franchise Regulation Update: What Business Owners Need to Know in the Era of GR 35/2024

Government Regulation Number 35 of 2024 on Franchising (“GR 35/2024”) replaces Government Regulation No. 42 of 2007 on Franchising (“GR 42/2007”), and aims to clarify franchising regulations in Indonesia. GR 35/2024 introduces new criteria requiring franchises to implement Standard Operating Procedures (“SOP”), and reiterates the obligation to submit audited financial statements from the last two…

Key Takeaways: Understanding Trademarks: Registration, Management, and Protection within the Legal Framework
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Key Takeaways: Understanding Trademarks: Registration, Management, and Protection within the Legal Framework

To understand and optimize trademark management in Indonesia, ADCO Law recently organized a seminar titled Understanding Trademarks: Registration, Management, and Protection within the Legal Framework. The objective was to provide attendees with in-depth insights into trademark registration, management, and protection in accordance with the prevailing regulations. With rapid regulatory changes and technological advancements, a deep…

Understanding GR 28/2024: Striking the Right Balance Between Compliance and Intellectual Property Protection in the F&B Sector
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Understanding GR 28/2024: Striking the Right Balance Between Compliance and Intellectual Property Protection in the F&B Sector

Indonesia has seen a concerning rise in diabetes cases over the years, with a prevalence rate of 10.9% in 2018. By 2020, over 10.8 million Indonesians were living with diabetes, and this number surged to 19.5 million by 2021. Projections estimate that it will reach 28.6 million by 2045. In response, the government has issued…

ADCOnnect: Exploring Comprehensive Trademark Strategies for Business Actors
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ADCOnnect: Exploring Comprehensive Trademark Strategies for Business Actors

Jakarta, Indonesia—21 August 2024 — ADCO Law hosted another ADCOnnect event, “Understanding Trademarks: Registration, Management, and Protection in the Legislative Framework”, on August 20, 2024. The event brought together business professionals from various brands and industries to delve into the complexities of trademark law, providing crucial insights into the registration, management, and protection processes under…

Understanding Copyright in Indonesia: Definition, Types of Creations, and Recordation Procedures
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Understanding Copyright in Indonesia: Definition, Types of Creations, and Recordation Procedures

In our previous article, we discussed Intellectual Property in general. One type of intellectual property important for protecting creative works is copyright. In this article, we will delve into copyright in more depth. What is copyright? What is the legal basis governing it? And how to register it? We will address all these questions in…

Intellectual Property: Definition, Types, and Benefits
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Intellectual Property: Definition, Types, and Benefits

A Brief History of IP in Indonesia As the law develops and harmonizes with international standards, the terminology in the field of Intellectual Property in Indonesia has undergone significant changes. Initially known as Hak Milik Intelektual (a translation of the term “Intellectual Property Rights”), the term then changed to Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual (HAKI), and…

Intellectual Property as Fiduciary Security in Indonesia: Breakthrough or Challenge?
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Intellectual Property as Fiduciary Security in Indonesia: Breakthrough or Challenge?

The creative economy or Ekonomi Kreatif (“Ekraf”) significantly boosts the national Gross Domestic Product (“GDP”). The growth of this sector is partly contributed by the protection of Intellectual Property (“IP”), which encourages innovation by rewarding creators through the use of their creation, among others as fiduciary security. The use of IP as fiduciary security is…