Whistleblowing System: Encouraging Reporting of Employment Fraud
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Whistleblowing System: Encouraging Reporting of Employment Fraud

In recent years, there has been a growing trend in the implementation of whistleblowing system across various organizations, which initially started with the use of this system in government institutions. Companies in the private sector have also implemented the whistleblowing system in an effort to address and prevent corporate malpractice, corporate fraud, internal bribery, corruption,…

Understanding and Adhering to Indonesia’s Overtime Pay Provisions

Understanding and Adhering to Indonesia’s Overtime Pay Provisions

Employees have the right to a healthy and comfortable working environment and to avoid work environments that have adverse impacts on their physical and mental health. To protect this right, employees are entitled to reasonable and humane working hours with adequate breaks and rest periods. If these working hours must be exceeded, the employer has…

E-Procurement & E-Tendering in Indonesia: Game Changer or A Way for Irregularities?
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E-Procurement & E-Tendering in Indonesia: Game Changer or A Way for Irregularities?

In today’s ever-increasing digitalization era, all businesses across sectors must adapt to the challenges of this digital landscape to become more competitive and efficient. Procurement of products and services, as one of the entry points into business competition in government and private projects, contributes to the adoption of digitalization to ensure smooth and efficient procurement…

Ensuring Fair Compensation: Wage Regulations in Indonesia
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Ensuring Fair Compensation: Wage Regulations in Indonesia

Wage Policy in Indonesia: Pursuant to Article 1 Number 30 of Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Employment, as partially amended by the Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 2 of 2022 and subsequently ratified through Law Number 6 of 2023 (“Employment Law”), wages are recognized as an employee’s entitlement that manifests in monetary…

Indonesian Mining Regulatory Review 2023
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Indonesian Mining Regulatory Review 2023

Indonesia is one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of coal, nickel, tin, gold, and other minerals. The mining sector contributes significantly to the country’s economy and foreign exchange earnings.In this article, we will review the current mining regulatory framework in Indonesia and provide some insights into the outlook in 2023. New Provisions for…

Polemic on Employment Agreements for Foreign Workers in Indonesia
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Polemic on Employment Agreements for Foreign Workers in Indonesia

What is Foreign Worker? According to Article 1 Number 13 of Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Employment, as partially amended by the Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 2 of 2022 and subsequently ratified through Law Number 6 of 2023 (“Employment Law”), foreign workers, known as Tenaga Kerja Asing (“TKA”) in Indonesia, are…

EVs in Indonesia: From Environmental Commitment to Global Business Opportunities
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EVs in Indonesia: From Environmental Commitment to Global Business Opportunities

The arrival of the Electric Vehicle (“EV”) era in Indonesia signifies a transformative period for the domestic automotive industry. The government policy to promote electric vehicles  reflects its strategic commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and embrace environmentally friendly energy-based vehicles. This article explores the profound impact of this commitment by delving into the emerging…

Key Takeaways: Unlocking Fintech Potential in Indonesia
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Key Takeaways: Unlocking Fintech Potential in Indonesia

A. Status Quo of Fintech in Indonesia Diverse Landscape: Fintech in Indonesia is dynamically classified into three segments: Bankable, Unbanked, and Underbanked. Bankable individuals showcase financial literacy and skills, while Unbanked individuals prefer cash transactions, and Underbanked individuals utilize financial services for simple needs like savings. Untapped Potential: Despite the growth in Indonesia’s financial sector,…

Insurance Sector Transformation: Navigating the Era of Personal Data Protection

Insurance Sector Transformation: Navigating the Era of Personal Data Protection

In October 2022, Indonesia took one significant step forward in the era of personal data protection by enacting Law Number 27 of 2022 concerning Personal Data Protection, commonly known as the “PDP Law.” This move solidifies the government’s commitment to safeguarding individual privacy and establishing a strong legal foundation for the use of personal data…

Reasons to Grow Your Haircare Brand in Indonesia
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Reasons to Grow Your Haircare Brand in Indonesia

Haircare Market Overview Haircare is a science that studies how to care for hair and scalp, to choose cosmetics according to hair type, climate and treatment techniques. In hair care, many beauty experts recommend ways to treat hair, which are grouped into (1) Daily haircare by washing hair using shampoo, conditioner, and dry treatment (2)…