
DiscoverADCO – Working Mother: An Infinite Joy of Being Multitaskers

The role of great mothers has always succeeded in eliciting appreciation on various occasions, including at ADCO Law. On this Mother’s Day, the firm has the opportunity to hear the stories of three working mothers at ADCO Law: Alexandra Gerungan, Maulidza Oemar, and Safina. The three of them enthusiastically share their life’s journey: the motherhood. 

A. Mother’s Day, the Women’s Roles and Choices

“I interpret Mother’s Day as a special day to express appreciation for the role of mothers in our lives”, said Alexandra, ADCO Law Partner. 

When faced with the choice of being a housewife or a working mother, it frequently places women in a dual role conflict, which often becomes a dilemma for mothers who choose to work. Responding to this, Maulidza Oemar, Public Relations of ADCO Law, realizes that women have the advantage of not having to choose but of doing both with dedication.

“I believe that women should not be constrained by choices that make us lose hope. Our roles, both at home and at work, can actually bring us various opportunities to continue to grow and develop, both as mothers and as career women,” Lidza, as she is usually called, said. 

However, carrying out the various roles required is not an easy task. Professionalism in time management is essential.

“As a mother, having professionalism in time management is sometimes not that easy to do. Leaving my child in the morning is a struggle for me, and I’m sure mothers out there feel it too, including Bu Alex and Bu Lidza,” said Fina, Secretary of ADCO Law, with a smile. “However, I keep trying to convince myself that what I am doing is indeed a decision made by me and my husband. The objective is clear, that is, to raise our child and develop myself. So I’m proud to be a mom as well as a career woman at the same time,” said Fina.

B. The Most Beautiful Gift: Becoming a Mother

Alexandra, Lidza, and Fina have had various experiences and lessons along the way to becoming mothers. When asked what the most lovely thing about the process of giving birth and raising children was, the three of them looked at each other and smiled.

“Wow, I’m sure both Bu Lidza and Bu Fina have many beautiful stories that are difficult to describe one by one here,” said Alexandra. “For myself, my story with my son has brought me many wonderful things that I think it would be impossible to have with other people. He has brought me great joy. He is a gift from God and our llittle angel who always makes me believe that I can carry out this role as well as possible,” said Alexandra.

Alexandra, Lidza, and Fina’s happiness in carrying out their activities as mothers is not limited to certain activities. In fact, even small things with children can bring gratitude and be full of feelings.

“As simple as chatting and singing with my children can make me very happy, you know. Moreover, my husband and I have a hobby of exploring nature. So, I really enjoy moments like hiking or swimming with our boy,” said Alexandra, laughing.

“My daughter and I like to do a fun activity together that is actually very simple, watering plants. Every time we do this, my heart is filled with gratitude. Seeing my daughter grow up healthy and cheerful is my happiness,” said Fina, smiling.

Sharing stories about beautiful moments with children has brought Lidza to flashbacks of her life before becoming a mother. “Before, I often wondered, how do people become a perfect mother? Is there a standard formula that I have to understand as a woman?,” said Lidza. “Apparently, after giving birth to my daughter in February 2022, I understand that there is no concrete theorem for me as a mother because there will be no perfection until whenever. In fact, every day, it is my child who succeeds in bringing me various life lessons. She continues to guide me in every twist and turn of life as a mom. Since she was born into this world, I have never stopped learning,” said Lidza. 

Working mothers like Alexandra, Lidza, and Fina find that the difficult process pushes them to support one another. 

Fina admits that she frequently encourages her friends and fellow working women to maintain their positivity in carrying out this role. “I believe that strength comes not only from ourselves as the main characters in this story, but also from the people around us, including our friends. As a result, whenever I see friends struggling with their roles as working mothers, I always encourage myself to continue to support them by being present in the process as a mother like offering words of encouragement, hugs, and small gifts. I hope this will encourage my friends because I understand that support is necessary, “ said Fina.

C. More Empowered with Firm Support [the Firm Support=support dari firma/firm support=Strong support)

In fact, Alexandra, Lidza, and Fina’s strength in carrying out their role as working mothers is supported by a good support system that includes husbands, families, and colleagues at ADCO Law. These three aspects are essential in their journey to becoming mothers as well as empowered women.

“Since the beginning of being a part of ADCO Law, I have seen a very supportive workplace atmosphere for everyone, including mothers. I see that this firm provides an opportunity for everyone to continue to develop their potential to the fullest without any restrictions,” said Alexandra. “It’s even more extraordinary with the presence of the Equity and Inclusion Committee which was formed specifically to ensure that the opportunities open to anyone in this firm are real and become the strength of this firm,” she continued.

As is known, the Equity and Inclusion Committee is one of several committees formed by the firm since the beginning of 2022. This committee is tasked with carrying out various programs related to the participation of each ADstronaut, as how ADCO Law employees are called.

“I have a story about when I had to return to work at the office after my maternity leave was over. At that time, I had time to communicate with my team regarding my new role as a mother. I said that I needed time for breast pumping every day. Luckily, even though almost all of my team members are men, they give me the opportunity to freely manage my time, during working hours, to prioritize my position as a mother,” Lidza explained. 

As a law firm, ADCO Law’s priority is to remain committed to one of its values, growth, not just something echoed without action. A series of programs aimed at supporting the firm’s growth, including those directly related to the role of women and working mothers, are projected to be launched in the coming year.


D. Giving Birth: A Noble Mandate

Entrusted by God to bring someone’s life into the world is an extraordinary mandate. Giving birth, nursing, and raising children make the role of a working mother not only extraordinary but also noble.

“As a mother, I only want my son to grow up healthy and happy, and to know that he is always loved and blessed. I want him to understand that I will not be in this world to be with him forever in every moment of his life. However, God will and my prayers as a mother will always live and continue to accompany him wading through this life,” said Alexandra. “I also hope that not only my child but also all the children of working women can appreciate the struggles of their mother and father so that they are motivated to study and work hard. Hopefully, what I and all other parents are doing can set a real role model for children to become independent individuals who are always thirsty to learn and able to respect others,” Alexandra closed. 

Lidza conveyed a simple but meaningful wish. “Just like Bu Alex, my hope is simple. I always pray that my child, who is always cheerful, can live her life in this world in good health. I hope whatever she faces in the future can lead her to continue to be an honest and humble woman with a modest soul,” said Lidza.

Not only Alexandra and Lidza, Fina also expressed her hopes. “My hope is that she can grow up holding fast to religious teachings, act smartly, and have a wise personality. My dear, Mama loves you very much. Mama hopes that you will always love Mama,” concluded Fina with tears in her eyes.


ADCO Law is a law firm that offers clients a wide range of integrated legal services, including commercial transactions and corporate disputes in a variety of industry sectors.

Over the course of more than a decade, we have grown to understand our client’s industry and business as well as the regulatory aspect. In dealing with the business dynamics, we provide comprehensive and solid legal advice and solutions to minimize legal and business risks.

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